Non-Fiction Books
For my non-fiction books I will be using the name Elisabeth Casteen but don't worry it's still me. The Bible Studies will be grouped together, and the others will be listed as they are published.
Bible Studies & Christian Devotionals
Road Less Traveled: A Trinity Bible StudyThe concept of the Trinity is usually passed over because it is deemed too complicated and so few travel down that path. In the Road Less Traveled, I will help you tackle the doctrine of the Trinity in a way that is easy to understand. Get ready for a life-changing journey.
Road Less Traveled takes on a complicated subject in an easy-to-understand way. This Bible study is perfect for young believers and Christians who have never really studied the Trinity. I enjoyed each lesson and would highly recommend this book to anyone who is wanting to know more about this vital doctrine of the Christian faith. ~L.M. Cox, Reader Review
Ruff Rewards: Spiritual lessons
Into the Storm: A Bible Study for weathering